Why damage your gums when professional teeth whitening can get results – safely – in Brampton?

Get a dazzling smile with teeth whitening in Brampton ON. Kensington Dental’s options work when the myriad of off-the-shelf products fail to provide satisfactory results. Some people ask, “Can teeth whitening damage gums?” Some products and poor techniques can damage gums; therefore, it is best to have your teeth whitening supervised by a professional.
The many products that claim to whiten are generally divided into a couple of groups:
- Whitening for surface stains
- Bleaching
The items you most often hear about on TV or in magazines usually fall into the first category. They include toothpastes formulated with abrasive ingredients that enhance the product’s removal of extrinsic stains. These surface stains reside on the outer layer of the tooth. Moreover, pastes or other products available at the store are frequently merely versions of what’s available in ordinary pastes that aren’t marketed as whitening. What this means is these products aren’t likely to produce extensive wear or other damage. But, likewise, odds are they won’t produce the noticeable results or dramatic differences that you want.
Health Canada is quick to note that surface whiteners are not a substitute for cleanings administered by professionals. One of the best and safest ways to prevent stains is to keep the six-month recall appointments that remove the plaque and hardened tartar, which detract from the beauty of your smile and damage the health of your teeth and gums.
The mega-watt smiles you see on celebrities are most likely the product of bleaches. These primarily peroxide-based products have the capacity to alter teeth colour.
All procedures start with a consultation, because not all discolouration responds to even powerful bleaches. For example, intrinsic stains are stubborn because they are in the inner structure of the tooth. Think of white spots or blue-grey discolouration caused by excessive, early childhood fluoride or antibiotics use. In these cases, Kensington Dental may recommend veneers instead. These thin sheaths of porcelain cover stains that resist bleaching.
If you have restorations, it’s important to know that they don’t respond to bleaching. We’ll develop a treatment approach that creates a uniformly-beautiful smile and works within your budget.
If our professionals recommend bleaching, it means your teeth and gums are already healthy, or existing gum disease or other conditions have been addressed. Even cosmetic treatments that seem so innocuous can make existing problems worse. Your health is our priority. Beautiful smiles follow!
Schedule an Appointment today.
Options for safe whitening that works
Kensington Dental offers two different methods to get the smile of your dreams:
- Office bleaching
- Home-use bleaching
During your consultation, we’ll discuss several considerations with you to determine the best approach for your lifestyle, goals, and personal preferences.
If, for example, you are looking for a quick, dramatic change in time for a major event (like a wedding), office bleaching may be suggested. A special light-activated bleach is applied to lighten teeth several shades. Some patients get the results they want in a single appointment, whereas others may return one or two more times for additional applications. How we apply the bleach matters. We prepare your lips, gums, and eyes with protection that prevents damage from the bleach or the light used to activate the whitening gel. Professional planning, such as concentrations and products tailored to your specific needs, and application in a controlled setting, minimises the risks of unwanted side effects or undesirable outcomes.
Home bleaches can also be both effective and safe when used as instructed by your dentist. Store-bought kits are not designed to fit your mouth. The trays can rub against teeth and gums or produce uneven whitening. These conditions are avoided with trays designed from moulds of your mouth. The trays hug the teeth for comfort, and for proper delivery of the bleach to your teeth. No more uneven whitening! Follow directions as provided by the team at Kensington Dental and you can enjoy whiter teeth, on your schedule, usually within one to two weeks.
Be aware that some sensitivity and irritation with professional bleaching isn’t uncommon. But, it’s temporary. By stretching out office treatments to a few appointments, or by decreasing wear time for home-use treatments, these side effects can be easily managed. Call (905) 791-7549 with your questions, and to schedule a consultation.